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family days

AKA Operation Help Hilly Find Her Christmas Spirit. But let’s start with Thanksgiving because I’m that far behind. holidays
I made pies. It only took all of 3 seconds after this was taken for Abbie to sneak into the kitchen and test them out. That girl. She is BUSY. holidays-2
I’m going to see how many more Thanksgivings I can squeeze her into this dress ;) But seriously. This stage of putting her up on the sink to make sure she likes her ensemble (because did you know toddlers have opinions ;) ) and seeing her face light up all cute and such… I just don’t want that to ever end. It’s simply the best.


And then she and Bentley had to go all model posey and melt my mommy heart. holidays-6


Doesn’t my mom set the most beautiful tables? I just love a beautiful table :):)
Taywhad and her BOYFRIEND. WHAAAATTTT!?!
Luke approves.


I could stare at pictures of her being tossed all day long. Her happy face makes my whole world.

Oh lookie lookie a family picture. I had every intention of actually sending out Christmas cards this year but that certainly didn’t happen. So here’s your family picture in holiday-ish clothes ;) I’ll try again next year…
I just can’t get over the cuteness. I’m obviously her overly obsessed mother.



These two got to sit at the kid’s kids table and they were rather adorable. I looked behind me and they both had their eyes shut, saying their prayers. Ohmygoodness. Abbie is very into praying right now. And she actually closes her eyes and folds her hands which I haven’t really seen in many kids her age, if any? But as soon as you say “amen” she will almost always say, “Papi?” and we pray for Papi, and then she goes down her list of people she knows usually in the order of Papi, Lyla, Doggum (Bentley), Beebee (baby), Dadda, Momma, Papi, Lyla… – and then she repeats them several times until she is satisfied. It’s mighty adorable and I hope that never ends either. UGH stop growing up!

Ah I just love thanksgiving :) And then once the plates were cleared, IT WAS CHRISTMASTIME! and I do love Christmas… but this year… we’ll just go ahead and blame my malfunctioning thyroid but man, I struggled with the Christmas spirit every day. We excitedly went and got our tree the very next day and got everything put up and it just didn’t feel right. Maybe since we went to Hawaii in the middle of November, I felt like Fall went so darn fast… I dunno. I just couldn’t get in the mood. BUT tree shopping was real fun :) We got hot beverages and had the best morning.holidays-25


It was so cute to see Abbie see the tree for the first time… I brought her down from her nap and she gasped and said “WOAH” I just can’t get enough of that girl.
Or of this boy :):)
He is starting to laugh so hard around sister. I just love watching them play together. But frankly, having an older sister looks a whole lot like..

Despite the incessant need to be on top of him at all times, she is so good with him. Really tender and sweet and makes my momma heart so proud. I love those two.


There were lots of nights under the tree
And lots of sleepy, snuggly days


For everyone ;)
Abbie got a big girl bed! and slept in it for an entire nap without getting out which I didn’t even think was possible so we went and celebrated. Mom went overboard in the sugar department. Oh goodness that poor child had so much sugar this season. I think we will be doing a major cleanse in the new year :-P
We stopped by the store on the way home and when we were in the checkout line, Abbie got so excited and kept pointing and shouting DADDY! DADDY! And I looked over and saw this. holidays-38
I told her she just made her daddy’s day ;) That still makes me giggle :)
I got to go to the Christmas tea with my sister which was awfully festive :)

And then. And then… I decided this was the year I was going to make Greg’s present. Because I have so much extra time on my hands these days. And that’s where things went downhill ;) holidays-40
They said it would take an hour. They clearly don’t have a screaming baby and a very busy little girl. They also have the right equipment. They also know what they are doing. I did not. But I actually had a really fun time except that I didn’t know Greg took the week before Christmas off so that cut my time short and the one week I did have to work on it, it was raining and if it wasn’t raining it was freezing and windy and let’s just say we ended up with a cornhole board with lots of dirt stuck in the paint and polyurethane that would not dry after days and days of waiting, and a very bruised swollen hand and a back that went into incredibly painful spasms, and a couch that has red wine vinegar poured all over it (thank you Abbie) and a bunch of broken ornaments (thank you Abbie) because it’s amazing what one small child can do in just 5 minutes unsupervised. Haha. All that to say, he got his Christmas present early because things just didn’t work out how I saw them in my mind and it was stressing me out DOGGON POLYURETHANE! But I was mighty proud of myself for using a jigsaw and a circular saw all by my lonesome and I learned a lot in the process! I kinda wanna make another one when I’m not rushed and stressed :)

There were lots of nights of sipping little cups of eggnog with my girl and watching Christmas movies. Those were my favorite. holidays-52
Not to mention not being pregnant for the first time in two years at this time of the year!



This girl and her nutmeg. So fancy.
These two in the morning watching dad play games on his phone hehe
Peaceful nights just sitting and looking at all the candles lit and the stockings hung and those two giggling.
Lots of table forts
And awesome winter ensembles. I mentioned she had opinions…
And naps
And kisses
Those little faces!
And playing with dollies… seriously the playing by herself is just so cute to watch :):)
And cleaning up brother. She is SO good about it hehe she always says UH OH! And immediately grabs whatever is nearest to wipe him up :)

This boy. I just love him so.
I also decided it would be cute since I got my mom a cookie platter thingy for Christmas, to bake cookies and have Abbie decorate them. This also was not a good idea. I was so happy I had just taken the time to have my ring cleaned the day before…
Bentley felt by pain because he got caught on a blanket.
But then came Christmas and it was lovely.
I told her she looked so cute, she should go show daddy how pretty she looked. So she ran out to him and stood there waiting for him to notice her (he was wrapping presents). When he didn’t look up she softly said “Dad” and when he still didn’t look up she said loudly “DAD” and curtseyed so cutely. I have no idea where she learned that from but my heart basically exploded.
Luke looked cute too but I forgot to take a picture before grumpy hour set in ;) He had a bowtie and one shoe because that made sense in my frazzled Christmas mind. Never did find the other one :/

We watched The Snowman with Abbie which I was sort of curious how she would react because when I saw it in kindergarten, I cried and cried (the snowman melts at the end) but I figured she was so little, it wouldn’t really bother her but sure enough red little nose and watery eyes were there and I felt like the best mother. MERRY CHRISTMAS, goodnight. So sorry baby girl :[
Christmas morning was so much fun. My parents got her a teepee which got her “WOAH” response. Everyone slept over and it felt so nice and cozy. holidays-79
Dad wore his special Christmas shoes…
Luke slept






And Abbie got a jump jump! that specifically reads “not recommended for children under six” but boy I’ve never heard her laugh so hard for so long. I don’t know who’s more excited about it – her or me. I’ve been having the best time on it! Maaaaybe now I’ll get in shape. she said again.


Turns out, Christmas wasn’t so bad after all :) Merry Christmas everyone and a happy New Year! Hope you all have a great one!


  1. Cinnypinny says

    All so very precious! Those pictures!!!! You just get better and better with that camera of yours!
    It’s all so perfect, Hilary – almost like it’s not real, BUT IT IS!!!


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