May I please introduce my son!?

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baby #3 / Noah Phillip

I have Christmas and Abbie’s birthday and a whole bunch of life lately to catch up on BUT CAN I PLEASE FIRST INTRODUCE MY SON!? Oh my goodness he is the most precious gift and I seriously can’t believe he’s here and he’s ours! This pregnancy was so hard on me – I know whatever you are currently going through probably always seems like the hardest thing but really, everything seemed so amplified – the sciatica was outta control, and leg cramping every night, and ear popping was just one of those annoying things that wouldn’t go away. I got so itchy and uncomfortable at the end and I have no idea what he was doing in there those final weeks but man it hurt. There were so many stop and go contractions that made me think for sure he was coming way early but week after week we waited and waited… and waited. Most of all, I struggled with so much depression this pregnancy which in my mind would have produced a horribly tormented nightmare baby but …*insert all the happy tears*… he is the calmest, sweetest natured little boy. His labor went amazing, he’s a champion nurser. He’s just such a dream and such a gift to my weary heart. So, please allow me to introduce to you:

Mr. Noah Phillip Nettles
Born January 3rd at 4:59pm
7lbs 12oz, 21in

^^those lips though!^^

Welcome to the world Little Noah! We are so thankful you are ours!


  1. Cinnypinny says

    He IS beautiful!! We are SO happy for you guys!
    Honey, you never let on that you were struggling – you poor thing. I don’t know how you managed to do ALL that you did these past months! My Goodness!
    Love, ACP


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