25 Weeks + IT’S MOVING WEEKEND!!!!

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baby #1 / bump / pregnancy

text - 25 weeks

Oh man am I ready! It is currently 91 degrees (which actually seems cool compared to the last couple of weeks..), our air conditioning has decided now is the time it should stop working, and I am so ready to see my family more than once every couple of months!! Yippeeee!!

How far along? 25 weeks

Weight Gained: Umm…. ummm I forgot to do it this morning and you know, it fluctuates mightily throughout the day…. but currently it says I have gained a whopping 20.6 lbs. BAH! Awesome.

Symptoms: Oh man, I feel like just talking about what I need to get at the grocery store makes me get that old familiar lump-in-throat-I-wanna-just-have-a-good-cry sort of feeling. I must be fun to be around. Also, those insides are still stretching. A lot. Probably to accommodate the 4 lbs I seemed to have gained this week. *don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry, she said to herself again*

Movement: Pretty consistent now : )

Food cravings: Chocolate cake. I dream of you.

Food aversions: Nope

Sleep: Okay

Stretch marks? Does cellulite count for this one because that seems to be breeding with fury.

Belly button in or out? In

Miss anything? Air conditioning

Mood? HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY and a little overwhelmed and nervous and excited and scared!

Maternity Clothes? Same but I’ve noticed all my non-maternity dresses I was relying on have gone too short. I’ve become that girl. I am aware. I will work on it, k?

New baby items: Oh. :) oh. There was a store. I may have gotten her a birthday outfit for in a year when she can wear it… Her dad may have gotten his little peanut some jammies. Heart burst. 

Exercise: Packing and moving is my current workout routine.

Best moment of the week: That husband of mine, he spoils me. I’ll show you soon.

Looking forward to: Need I really say?


  1. Cynthia faulk says

    Yeah! We’ll see you soon! Yeah! She’s out grown the fruit basket and now she’s a vegetable!!


  2. Ashley says

    Good luck with your move! We are also moving this weekend, and at 30 weeks pregnant I’m MORE than ready to nest. You feeling the same way?


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